Portfolio for Educational Applications of Computers
My Name
Use the clip/world icon to inset a mailto: E-mail address - myname@mymail.com
Introduction or Bio Poem
Create a new post for your bio poem - which would make it easier to add a graphic. Graphics are all added to the top of the page when you insert the image. In order to change where the gif or jpg shows up, you need to use the "edit html" tab and actually copy/paste the code into the page. Once you have the post web address, create a link from this page.
Create a post for your resume. Remember that your original formatting from a word document will not be retained on this page. Once you have the post web address, create a link from this page.
Web Scavenger Hunt
Create a new post for your scavenger hunt - or place it on this page. Remember that if you insert an image, it will show up at the top of the page. For that reason, you may want to create a new post so that your image will show up properly. You can also "edit html" by adding the image and then copying the code and pasting it where you want the image to show up. Once you have the post web address, create a link from this page.
California Standards and Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE)
Create separate posts for each standard and add an image for each post for the TPEs. Once you type a full html http://address/, it will automatically create the link. But you can link by highlighting text and adding a link to the http://address. Once you have the post of each standard created, locate the actual web address and create a link from this page.
A. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible To Students
TPE1. Specific Pedagogical Skills For Subject Matter Instruction
B. Assessing Student Learning
TPE2. Monitoring Student Learning During Learning
TPE3. Interpretation And Use Of Assessments
C. Engaging And Supporting Students In Learning
TPE4. Making Content Accessible
TPE5. Student Engagement
TPE6. Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices (K-3, 4-8, or 9-12)
TPE7. Teaching English Learners
D. Planning Instruction And Designing Learning Experiences For Students
TPE8. Learning About Students
TPE9. Instructional Planning
E. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
TPE10. Instructional Time
TPE11. Social Environment
F. Developing as a Professional Educator
TPE12. Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations
TPE13. Professional Growth
Add your links and acknowledgements on the page.
TPE3. Interpretation And Use Of Assessments
C. Engaging And Supporting Students In Learning
TPE4. Making Content Accessible
TPE5. Student Engagement
TPE6. Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices (K-3, 4-8, or 9-12)
TPE7. Teaching English Learners
D. Planning Instruction And Designing Learning Experiences For Students
TPE8. Learning About Students
TPE9. Instructional Planning
E. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
TPE10. Instructional Time
TPE11. Social Environment
F. Developing as a Professional Educator
TPE12. Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations
TPE13. Professional Growth
Add your links and acknowledgements on the page.
Always have to post a comment, I cant help it ! Thanks Sarah
Thanks for the advice. Will put it to work. Tom
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