Insert Photo - The biopoem can be about yourself or a character in literature or history.
Line 1 - First Name
Line 2 - Title given to the character
Line 3 - Four words to describe the character
Line 4 - Lover of (three items, objects, or ideas)
Line 5 - Who believed (one idea or concept)
Line 6 - Who wanted (three things)
Line 7 - Who used (three things)
Line 8 - Who gave (three things)
Line 9 - Who said (a direct quote)
Line 10 - Last name or synonymous descriptor
Line 1 - First Name
Line 2 - Title given to the character
Line 3 - Four words to describe the character
Line 4 - Lover of (three items, objects, or ideas)
Line 5 - Who believed (one idea or concept)
Line 6 - Who wanted (three things)
Line 7 - Who used (three things)
Line 8 - Who gave (three things)
Line 9 - Who said (a direct quote)
Line 10 - Last name or synonymous descriptor